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本试验对硬壳蛤(Mercenaria mercenaria Linnaeus)进行规模化土池人工育苗,包括亲贝培育、苗池清整、基础饵料培养、人工催产、浮游幼虫及稚幼贝培育、水质监测和敌害防除等。硬壳蛤土池育苗面积60亩,经过近7个月的人工培育,共培育苗种8.25亿粒(平均规格2861粒/kg),每亩产蛤苗1375.68万粒,亩利润20675元。  相似文献   
试验结果表明,温度和规格对硬壳蛤同化率的影响不显著(P>0.05);饵料种类对硬壳蛤同化率影响显著(P<0.05).其中小球藻和湛江等鞭金藻的同化率显著高于小新月菱形藻(P<0.05),而小新月菱形藻又显著高于扁藻(P<0.05).  相似文献   
3种滩涂贝类稚贝附着基和多层附苗技术的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
2002年3~8月对菲律宾蛤仔Ruditapesphilippinarum、青蛤Cyclinasinensis和硬壳蛤Mercenariamercenaria3种滩涂贝类的变态附着基和多层附苗技术进行了试验研究。附着基分别采用黑色波纹板、透明波纹板、筛绢、塑料薄膜、扇贝养成笼托盘、扇贝网片和细砂7种。结果表明,不同附着基间的贝类幼虫附着变态效果差异极显著(p<0 01),波纹板(黑色和透明)和塑料薄膜是3种滩涂贝类的适宜附着基,幼虫的变态率最高。采用多层结构的附着基附苗(多层附苗技术)效果均优于细砂(p<0 05),用多层附着基可以提高单位水体附着面积和出苗量,单位水体附着面积扩大了2 17~2 75倍,单位水体出苗量提高了1 19~4 30倍。此外,于7月8日至8月24日以透明波纹板为附着基,采用多层附苗技术对硬壳蛤幼虫附着变态进行了中试,稚贝的变态率达66 7%,生长速度为90 09μm/d,变态后49d的成活率达90%以上,室内培育的稚贝平均壳长达4 62mm,数量约1000万枚。  相似文献   
硬壳蛤的生物学及养殖   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
硬壳蛤广泛分布于北美洲东海岸,是美国大西洋沿岸各州的重要经济双壳数。该种对温度和盐度适应性较广,适应多种底质生活。2000年,由美国引入大连,本文结合引入后对其人工育苗和养殖的初步研究,综述了硬壳蛤的生长、繁殖、幼体发育和生态习性等养殖生物学特性和硬壳蛤浮游幼体培养、中间育成及养殖技术等,为硬壳蛤在我国开展增养殖提供参考。  相似文献   
本研究通过在养殖水体中添加底泥或单胞藻调节悬浮颗粒浓度,研究了悬浮物数量浓度和质量浓度变化对文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)、硬壳蛤(Mercenaria mercenaria)和菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)保留效率的影响。结果显示,文蛤、硬壳蛤及菲律宾蛤仔的保留效率分别在粒径为8、6和6 μm时达到最大值,分别为51.1%、59.6%和62.6%。随着数量浓度的增加,文蛤在低(4.32× 107 cells/L)、中(5.27×107 cells/L)、高(6.65×107 cells/L) 3个数量浓度下保留效率达到最大值时的最小粒径逐渐增大,分别为9、13和14 μm,保留效率最大值分别降至49.7%、33.4%和26.2%;与文蛤相似,菲律宾蛤仔保留效率达到最大值时的最小粒径也分别增大至9、12和14 μm,但最大保留值无明显变化;硬壳蛤保留效率的最大值保持不变,但达到最大值时的最小粒径略有增大,分别为8、9和10 μm。随质量浓度的增加,文蛤和菲律宾蛤仔在低(5.7 mg/L)、中(11.8 mg/L)、高(23.3 mg/L) 3个质量浓度下的保留效率最大值和达到最大值时的最小粒径均无明显变化;硬壳蛤保留效率最大值显著降低,分别为60.7%、27.6%和25.5%,但保留效率达到最大值时的最小粒径保持不变。研究表明,文蛤和菲律宾蛤仔的保留效率对食物颗粒数量浓度变化更敏感,而硬壳蛤的保留效率受质量浓度变化影响较大。  相似文献   
李振兴 《水产学报》2006,30(3):429-432
美洲帘蛤Mercenaria mercenaria(Linnaeus,1758)隶属于软体动物门Mollusea、瓣鳃纲Lamellibrachia、帘蛤目Veneroida、帘蛤科Veneridae,又称硬壳蛤、北方帘蛤或小圆蛤。原产于美国佛罗里达州Cawrence湾,墨西哥湾,加利福尼亚Hamboldt湾到英格兰海域,在美国东、西海岸北纬25°~38°海域均有分布。美洲帘蛤与我国的文蛤(Meretrixmeretrix)同属帘蛤科,是一种生长快,适应能力强,适温、适盐范围广,经济价值高的大型双壳贝类[4-10]。美洲帘蛤软体部的蛋白质含量高达60.69%(DS),氨基酸的总含量为524.2mg·g-1,蛋白质的氨基酸含量为893.5mg·g-1…  相似文献   
Aquaculture of hard clams Mercenaria mercenaria is a $65 million industry along the east coast and Gulf of Mexico coast in the United States. The goal of this study was to develop a preliminary protocol to cryopreserve trochophore larvae of hard clams. The objectives were to evaluate the: 1) toxicity of cryoprotectants, including dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), propylene glycol, ethylene glycol and glycerol, at 5, 10, 15 and 20% for exposure time of 1, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 min; 2) effects of cooling rates (5, 10, 20 and 30°C/min for the first trial; and 1, 3 and 5°C/min for second trial from 4 to ?80°C), thawing temperature (30, 40 and 50°C) and their interactions on post‐thaw viability. A basic protocol was concluded as: 15‐hr trochophore larvae mixed with DMSO or propylene glycol (5, 10%), equilibrated for 15 min, cooled in a programmable freezer from 4 to ?80°C at a cooling rate of 5°C/min and thawed at 50°C for 6 s. With this protocol, the immediate post‐thaw trochophore survival was 23 ± 14%, and survival to D‐stage was 27 ± 14%. This is the first report on larval cryopreservation in the hard clam and would have application for genetic breeding and seed production.  相似文献   
试验结果表明,4-5月和9-10月,水温22~27℃时,为硬壳蛤快速生长期;11月至翌年2月,水温8~15℃时,生长缓慢;5-6月硬壳蛤处于繁殖期间,生长也较为缓慢。硬壳蛤壳长和壳高的相关关系为y=1.8479x 0.5923;壳长和体质量的相关关系为y=0.0002x3.1174。  相似文献   
The influence of crude oil and crude oil plus dispersant on the flavor and odor of steelhead trout was determined using a trained taste panel. Uptake of certain hydrocarbons in the fish flesh correlated with time of exposure, off-flavor and off-odor scores. The sensory changes that resulted were of the magnitude that could results in serious affects on the marketability of commercially harvested contaminated fish.  相似文献   
Condition index (CI) is a widely used parameter in ecological and physiological studies. For molluscan bivalves, no universal consensus exists for CI calculation. A literature review revealed that a total of 19 methods have been used for CI calculation in molluscan bivalves. To evaluate the CI calculation in northern quahogs Mercenaria mercenaria (also called hard clams), market‐sized clams at 12–14 months old (n = 300 from three populations) were collected for gravimetrical and volumetric measurements. Significant correlations were identified among body sizes (body length, height and width), body weights (total weight, wet meat weight, dry meat weight, wet shell weight, dry shell weight) and body volume (p < .0001, R values ≥ .800). Referencing previously used CI equations for molluscan bivalves, a total of 18 equations were evaluated the suitability, considering non‐lethal measurements, for northern quahogs through correlation analysis of the CIs from different equations. With equations constructed as the percentages of dry or wet meat weight out of total weight, dry shell weight, dry shell plus meat weight, body volume, body length*height*width, shell length or cubic of shell length, CIs were significantly correlated, meaning that these equations were exchangeable. Specifically, three equations with non‐lethal measurements (percentages of total body weight out of total body volume, body length*height*width or cubic of body length) were evaluated effective. Overall, this publication provided a review for CI calculations in molluscan bivalves and evaluated the CI equations for northern quahogs.  相似文献   
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